• Kat Gupta’s research blog

    caution: may contain corpus linguistics, feminism, activism, LGB, queer and trans stuff, parrots, London

Conference bingo card generator

aka “cross disciplinary academic social engagement through interactive media!” (thanks Lizzie Reed)

Don’t like this card? Click “refresh” to generate another.

Interested in why we made Conference Bingo in the first place? Here’s a post reflecting on it

Suggestions? Leave a comment or email bingo (at) mixosaurus (dot) co (dot) uk

‘ ;

for ($j = 0 ; $j < 5; $j++) { do { $x = rand(0, count($statements)-1); } while (in_array($x, $used)); $used[] = $x; echo '


$stylish = !$stylish;

echo ‘




, ($i == 2 && $j == 2 ? ‘FREE SQUARE’ : $statements[$x])
, ‘

By Kat Gupta and Heather Froehlich

Contributions from Costas Gabrielatos, Oliver Mason, Sara Palmer, Jessica Lewis-Turner, Gabrielle Anderson, Emily Sherwood, Vim, ironed_orchid, Veronika Koller, AJ, Jen Youflector, Leonie W, Joe McVeigh, Bob Durrant, Liz C and Matt Larose

Script by Andrew Hardie


  1. Presenter really proud for having reinvented the wheel.

  2. Veronika Koller

    “XYZ doesn’t really need an introduction…” for plenary speaker

  3. Veronika Koller

    Plenary speaker pushing their own theory in a patronising way

  4. Chair purposefully mispronounces speaker’s name.

  5. Wondering if the person asking presenter to show slide X again is Reviewer 2.

  6. Massive over-representation of white men

  7. Jen Youflector

    (1) panelists blatantly laugh at audience question, wink at other panel members whose work they refer to in answer to said question; (2) infomercial masquerading as panel presentation

  8. Fire drill during first session of the day

  9. Presenter realises that results are unconvincing, but is sure it has to do with the categorisation or terminology, not the approach.

  10. Pingback: Conference bingo v2 - mixosaurus

  11. Do we already have something about the AV/wifi tragically not working?

    Fellow presenter takes drink from your water glass?

    Presenter insists on being first on the panel, then leaves immediately following their paper?

    Grad student is too hipster to write paper so just freestyles their presentation badly while everyone writhes in secondhand embarrassment?

  12. Someone tells you the “conference hashtag”. Adapted it for use in Canada (with a link to your original) and posted it at http://guerillaacademy.blogspot.ca

  13. Prallel sessions take place four storeys apart.

  14. Pingback: Conference bingo | The Research Companion

  15. Some/none of the presenters show up (possibly due to visa problems)

  16. Bingo updated! Thanks for your contributions everyone – keep them coming!

  17. Question that is not a question, but aims at self-promotion.

  18. Weak chairing means that last speaker of four, who has travelled 3000 miles to get there, gets 5 mins instead of 20.

  19. Anybody got a DVI to VGA adaptor for my Mac?

  20. Special conference room rate is higher than the one on Tripadvisor

  21. Simultaneous presentations at different parallel sessions have a more coherent theme than do the sessions

  22. Session on accessibility in completely inaccessible room

  23. Social evening inexplicably at opposite end of the city

  24. Pingback: A Little Bit of Serious Fun | Anthony Teacher.com

  25. Holds conference over Valentines Day weekend when hotel costs soar.

  26. Updated again! If you’d like to suggest something, you can post here or email bingo (at) mixosaurus.co.uk

  27. Sitting there, being plagiarised to your face.

  28. Pingback: Reflecting on a year and a half of Conference Bingo - mixosaurus

  29. Chair/other presenter(s)/audience falls asleep

  30. Pingback: Academic Conference Bingo Card #mylifeiscomplete | Marc Hudson

  31. Pingback: Conference etiquette 101: The question that is not a question… – rebeccajacksonlinguistblog

  32. Pingback: How I have Conferenced – Student to Scientist

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